Assassin’s Creed: Revelations: Prevent

Another year, one more Assassin’s Creed. Already familiar. If countless multinational teams work on the game, and itself Ubisoft considers the series almost the only one that is still able to beat off the swollen money, then there are a chance of success. I want the resulting result to be interesting and sometimes causing genuine respect. And after the release, one could be a bustle: “How?! It was they who again managed to show such a strong manner?»But there are also enough reasons for fears. You remember what we had to do in Brotherhood? Enter the creators of the development of all economic affairs on the restoration of cities and the improvement of flower beds-Ezio or any other hero to the third part would probably be engaged in only one cultivation of flowers in pots and pleasing court ladies in spa salons. Fortunately, for household small things, which always distracts from the pressing affairs of the Assassin Revelations left much less space. Already because of this noble circumstance to the new chapter in history Assassin’s Creed It is worth getting to know each other. Although, in truth, there are several more convincing reasons.

Old Ezio

The reputation of the “Assassin” epic today is more than ever shattered. An amazing thing – games under a well -known brand come out good, and the love of the public does not become more ard. We set out problems in the review of Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhouse. In short: in the last two projects there were too many real estate and disadvantaged citizens, and the “murderous” fishing faded into the background. And it seems like in Revelations They promise to abolish the annoying medieval life, but new uncomfortable questions are planned for developers. We will talk about them later, and now we will try to show the future game in a more profitable light.

Ubisoft To maintain the interest of the public in the far from unique interactive phenomenon, it resorted to extreme, as it seems to us, measures. In total, one must declare another chapter in the series “The Great Final of the History of the Cool Hero”, and also, of course, “a collection of answers


to all questions”, and gullible fans buy themselves and buy the product. Nothing, we surplate a similar feint. Another thing – the loud speech of marketerists in almost everything is justified.

Our first -class parkour, an unscrupulous seducer of women, the Avenger for the death of uncle and an apple -player with experience – Ezio – is still magnificent. IN Revelations He will be very many years old. Designers filed a convincing beard, straightened the gait and taught me not to spend extra forces on climbing over the cornices and tiled roofs. Parkur became rapid (admitted that acrobatics with each series becomes more verified and spectacular), movement – incredibly prudent, accurate.

But the methods of reprisals against those who are substituted under a hot hand have become completely unconventional, but logical in terms of the path of further development chosen by developers. Ezio throws homemade bombs into the crowds of dressed up husbands with false wigs and bacenbards, pours enemy ships with fire – in general, behaves quite noisy. We were upset and began to consider Etio an evil old man who did not tolerate his attention to himself, but the hero has several ultra -lane stupe, which will allow him to remain a prepared assassin, cold -blooding his victims. That is, a secretive fighter (amazing, yes), as Altair was in the first part.

Assassin bombingEzio has already exchanged the sixth dozen. Whatever he is a cool assassin, years make themselves felt. Therefore, he now will have to carefully think through the ways for retreat – the speed is not the same. Pyrotechnic materials will provide all possible help in this. Bomb in Revelations They promise just an indecent amount. They will collect literally from improvised means – you can experiment. But prefabricated materials have its own classification in terms of accessibility. That is, to get some will be simple, while others will be extremely difficult. In addition to the usual explosives, Ezio will still have smoke bombs, caustic “bombs-wires” and real mines. We will not be surprised if you have to manually assemble the launchers “according to the drawing of Leonardo da Vinci”.

Here, for example, “Eagle feeling”. This is the very “eagle vision” from the previous parts, but only, in theory, more “pumped”. IN Revelations It will bypass the futuristic helmets of augmented reality by functionality. With the help of this “device” (let’s call it like that), our old man will, for example, can track those ardent volunteers from the crowd who hint at their desire to stretch the bones – to fight with a rapid heartbeat. Another “eagle” ba can be used as an authentic GPS-navigator, distributing free clues not only about where it will be most correct, but also on what route the victim is walking.

Weapons in the game are divided into two main weighty categories. There are Assassin gadgets for quick and silent murders. This includes blades, swords, daggers and a mini-clinics hidden in the sleeve. And there are more “noisy” ones in the use of the giddle – pistols and bombs. To the latter, the developers, see, have developed special feelings. Otherwise, how to explain the presence of a damaging number of different explosives, grenades and checkers.

But the lion’s share of attention promises to pull off the latest Assassin device – hook. Imagine a stroke blade, the end of which is bent so that they can cling to linen ropes, slide along stretched cables. You, of course, ask: “Where does so many cables come from in the city of far from a modern type?”Well, Ezio is still the philanthropist, which means that over time, grateful townspeople for the sake of the medieval” Batman “themselves will cover the city with a” transport web “.

IN Revelations They promise not only to bring the story of Ezio to logical completion, but also to make clarity in the fate of Desmond and Altair. The Gore-Barman does not go well from the first part yet-they are abducted, then they beat the face, then in whom they introduce the benefit of the genetic memory of the ancestors. In general, everything is complicated. This time, we will be told in detail about how he fell into the tenacious hands of the heirs of the Templars, who his parents, how he will get out of the “dressing room” of Animus. A cunning invention that is the cause of all events Assassin’s Creed, Still mocking the desmond. Specifically for us, this means acquaintance with a “unique gameplay”. Well, if you believe the words of the developers.

With Altair, Ezio and their connection is not easy. Ezio, as you recall, was old, wiser – so much so that he rushed to understand the secrets and riddles of his ancestors straight to Masiaf. There he learns about a powerful artifact hidden behind five keys in Constantinople. These keys give the ability to rummage in the memory of the ancestors. It will turn out that one 52-year-old Ezio will be able to survive the events of Altair who lived many earlier.

Brothers-2Drinks of fast young volunteers from Brotherhood, imagine, also do not go anywhere. We will train them again, sending to peculiar “advanced training courses”. But they, of course, will receive the main experience during the battle. Ezio sends them to various areas to complete tasks, but is always ready to intervene for assistance. Although pretty “pumped” companions can easily deal with the emerging problems on their own without much difficulty.

And Constantinople in which events will develop Revelations, Expected beautiful. Close streets, as expected, will be replaced by spacious market areas. Filled by a healthy life and pious mood, central areas contrast with soaked stinks, soot and mud with slums. Special chic – underground levels with the Assashian headquarters. It is there Ubisoft Montreal I promised to give us so many real stealth-gimplele, but before that it would not have been hung up for all previous games of the series combined. And we will force the current Istanbul in the best times. The struggle for power over the city takes place between representatives of one family. The population of the city is in suspense. Such a hero as Ezio, they need extremely. The capture of control over certain sections of Constantinople will.

In addition to the aforementioned city, there are several more locations in which we will have to visit during the passage. We have already talked about Syrian Masiaf. In Kapadokia (believe me, no less beautiful place with a rich history) will have to invest a lot of effort in the fight against the Templars. Everything will end on the island of Rhodes, which, incidentally, has the most direct relationship to the multiplayer game regime.

To the release of the next Assassin’s Creed one could treat more than calmly. It is easy to get tired of the series if it does not have high -quality modifications. But Revelations For her, it is as important as Guns of the Patriots – for Metal Gear Solid. The story of one of the main characters ends, answers to numerous sore questions are given, the number of “fan service” exceeds all reasonable limits. And what’s next? The third part is already promised. Let’s hope that developers’ plans will not change.